Web Clipper 2 issues -- FireFox Windows 11 - ScrapBee works well (scrapbook X replacement)

Hi... great to be here.

[Joplin latest beta and web clipper latest beta]

JOPLIN Web Clipper doesn't work reliably with my online banking.

For years I've looked for a replacement to scrapbook X.
I found and started using ScrapBee firefox extension, which uses a local server method, and although it doesn't have the "drag and drop to sidebar" of scrapbook/scrapbook x it's easy enough to use. I keep a record of all bank transactions and more.

Hoping to separate myself dependency to Firefox I tried Zotero and it's "firefox connector" while fails regularly with a red "X" when grabbing the html, though when it works it does save the entire HTML just like the original web page.

My understanding is that Joplin's brilliance and it's web clipper even when selecting "Clip complete page (HTML) (Beta)" it will not grab the page exactly as the original, due to using markup etc.


  1. When grabbing copies of my bank transactions web clipper appears to be blocked, AND this is what i get.
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Firefox's ScrapBee extension works perfectly. ScrapBee grabs the entire page exactly like the original webpage.

  1. It is my novice's understanding that Joplin's web clipper my never grab a copy of the entire webpage exactly like the original as it converts to markup.

Maybe it's possible?

Does anyone know why I can't grab/save the webpage from my bank account?

In absolutely any event huge thanks for Joplin and your time to read the above.

Joplin is brilliant and ideal for me for note-taking.

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