Using Joplin in a logseq-like way?

I've been pretty much living out of Joplin for a few years now, but I've recently started playing with logseq. I'm finding the block- and journal- centric approach pretty appealing. Being able to just enter everything into the daily journal and have each block bidirectionally linked and discoverable has been great.

However, there's a lot of things that I like more about Joplin - sync (especially self-hosting), release cycle, general maturity, ease of export.

So, I'm wondering, is that a way to use Joplin that's somewhat analogous to logseq? That is, more freeform and less structured?

This plugin may suit your needs: Plugin: Extract Paragraphs

Here is a post from the plugin developer relevant to you wanting a block-centric approach:


Thanks. I had seen that plugin, and it's quite cool, but it doesn't quite get at what I want. Rather than referencing the blocks, it duplicates them. That would be fine in some circumstances, but for me a lot of the power of logseq is that blocks themselves can be composed in different ways - so if you change the info in one place, it is reflected everywhere.

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You may want to try Note Link System. Since this plugin hasn't been updated in a while, some of its features no longer work in the latest markdown editor (but still work in the legacy markdown editor, until it is completely phased out). That said, one feature that I expect to keep working is the referencing of paragraphs. You can assign any text an ID: (here I chose #asdf)

Link to it from any note, and finally see the backlinks to this specific text in the markdown preview:

It does not provide block translucence, though. Nevertheless, links can display a preview, so you can read the block without opening the link:

Apart from that, if you like Logseq's inline tags, check out the Inline Tag Navigator.

Thanks for the suggestions. I've been using Inline Tags for ages, and so I think I accidentally skipped Inline Tag Navigator, thinking it was the same/similar. It looks very cool - I'll have a play with it.

It's a shame Note Link System isn't maintained; it also looks useful.