Translation questions

Quick questions on the translations:

  1. How are these specific things supposed to be translated? Are there any rules or does it not matter how, as long as you put an ampersand in front of it?
  2. Why is the ampersand in this case in the middle?
  3. The following two texts are in part nearly identical. Is there a reason for them to differ in the reference to the "desktop application"?

Kind regards

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One additional question specifically related to german (iirc we already had the discussion some years ago):

The German language separates informal and formal address as "Du" and "Sie" (I think the English equivalent would be "thou" and "you"). Iirc we settled on using the informal way ("Du"), at least that's what is used throughout the translation. Would it be possible to generate a second set of translations for the formal address? Many other providers/projects also go down this route. You would then have two German languages to choose from: "Deutsch (Deutschland) (Sie)" and "Deutsch (Deutschland) (Du)".

Kind regards

I'd rather not have this special case since we have nothing in place to handle it. In French there's also tu/vous (informal/formal) and we use "vous" as that's generally what's used in software. Isn't it similar in German? If it should have been "Sie", maybe change it all to this then? Looks like in Spanish they also use the formal "usted" and same in Chinese with the formal "您".

Regarding the ampersand, it's up to you where you put it. Normally it's on the first character but if that letter is already taken, it goes on the second one (or some other letter). This is the letter that gets underlined when you press "Alt" on Windows. Then you do Alt+F for example to open the "File" menu.

I don't think it is that simple. Thunderbird and Firefox for example use the formal version, but as soon as somebody tries to have a "corporate identity" you often see the informal address. For example iOS (I think Android, too) uses the informal address. In my opinion, the informal address is well suited for personal use, while the informal address fits business use. That's why I rather like the informal address but I could see cases where that one wouldn't fit.

Isn't a second German .po file possible? Or do you think it would contain too much redundant text?

Ampersand: Got it.