The docx,xlsx,txt,sh,yaml files imported from evernote cannot be opened.

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What issue do you have?

The docx,xlsx,txt,sh,yaml files imported from evernote cannot be opened.

If I delete the attachment and re-import it, I can open it on my computer and my phone, but from the next day onwards, only my phone can open it, it's weird!

Maybe related:

The above issue has been fixed in the dev branch on GitHub, but hasn't made its way into a release.

<p><a data-from-md="" title=":/c9a422dcde1647529b1f6dfb4287c7e5" href=":/c9a422dcde1647529b1f6dfb4287c7e5">test.txt</a></p>

I'm not quite sure if that's what you're talking about.

That link still has an href (an href tells Joplin what the link points to), so I would expect it to work.

The bug was that editing an HTML note in the rich text editor would break resource links. (In general, Joplin has much better support for Markdown notes than HTML notes.)

This forum post might also be related: Links to embedded files don't work in WYSIWYG

Yes, I'm in the latter situation——Links to embedded files don't work in WYSIWYG

Thanks for your help, is it possible that I just need to wait for the bug to be fixed, do I need to provide logs or something?

In your OP your write "files cannot be opened", in a later response you write "links don't work". I think you might want to explain what you want to do (exactly), where the files are (exactly), whether the files were added to the Joplin profile DB ... etc.

If you still have access to the ENEX export, I suggest re-importing as markdown:
screenshot: File > Import > ENEX - Evernote Export File (as Markdown)

Joplin has much better support for markdown notes than HTML notes.

(While this bug is mostly partially fixed (but not yet released), the fix won't restore links that were broken by the rich text editor in other notes.)

What if I reimport it? Will it have no effect?

After the fix is available, re-importing should fix the issue. (Until then, links will work until the note has been edited in the rich text editor).

Edit: There's another related bug that also needs to be fixed! (Links to other notes).

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