The cursor overlaps the character when you enter a multibyte character symbol

The cursor overlaps the character when you enter a multibyte character symbol.

When you enter a multibyte symbol, it overlaps the character that the cursor enters.
It is the display that the cursor is displayed at intervals of the width of the symbol.

If you type a multibyte character symbol in three characters, the cursor is placed in this position.
(The cursor is internally the rightmost)

The cursor position of non-symbolic multibyte characters is normal.

  • Windows 10 Pro
    Joplin 1.0.201 (prod, win32)
    クライアントID: b998261dc9e14d478fa9a497e90c2719
    同期バージョン: 1
    プロファイルバージョン: 28
    リビジョン: e65af8c1 (master)

  • Ubuntu 20.04 LTS
    Joplin 1.0.201 (prod, linux)
    クライアントID: 0dfcecc2a7d0416cb15d86e24c281f3a
    同期バージョン: 1
    プロファイルバージョン: 28
    リビジョン: e65af8c (master)