The cursor is set sometimes automatically to the top of the document and bugs with accents

Operating system


Joplin version


Desktop version info

Nombre del SO Microsoft Windows 11 Pro
Versión 10.0.22631 compilación 22631

Sync target

File system


Markdown Editor

What issue do you have?

  • Cursor's bug:
    Sometimes, the cursor is setted automatically to the top of the document when i am trying to write, This bug has been happening for a lot of versions.
    It occurs when I run joplin and it happens for a while in the begining of the execution and a while after it stops happening.

  • Accents' bug:
    When I use accents in H1 lables and create a link to that lable, the link doesn't go to the lable because the code change the accents for strange simbols and the link doesn't work. If I don't use accents the links work perfect.

Best regards

For the cursor bug:

I can't reproduce the accent bug.

Linking your reply in this thread since the context is above:

For the cursor bug, here are some options from most to least advisable:

  • Set the Synchronisation interval to a longer duration to lower bug frequency.
  • Disable Synchronisation interval then manually sync while not editing a note.
  • Disable Synchronisation target until you are ready to enable it again.

Note: I don't do any of the above. I can't advise the last two options unless this bug is a deal breaker for you.

I can reproduce your other bug if heading and link are in the same note. The link doesn't work whether accents are used or not. Does this known bug match what you're seeing? Anchor Within Same Page Doesn't Work · Issue #8670 · laurent22/joplin · GitHub

If not, what plugins are you using? Have you tried reproducing the bug without plugins enabled or installed?

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