Testing Joplin at university course

Hello, we are a group of students from Jagiellonian University and we have to formally inform you that we choose Joplin as an application we are going to test during one of our courses. We think it is a great app and want to help with improving it.
If you have any suggestions about usage scenarios which can be bugged, it would be very helpful if you share them with us.


That's interesting.
Can I ask which course that you are talking about? I assume some software courses?
I am also interested in includes Joplin in some of my courses in the future but more of a learning/research method.

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You may want to try sorting the GitHub issues, e.g. by number of upvotes (see https://github.com/laurent22/joplin/issues?q=is%3Aissue+is%3Aopen+sort%3Areactions-%2B1-desc) or comments (see https://github.com/laurent22/joplin/issues?q=is%3Aissue+is%3Aopen+sort%3Acomments-desc) to have a general overview about what kind of problems most people have experienced. There is also the whole Features category on the forum that deals with feature requests.

PS This is just a coincidence but I teach at the same university :slightly_smiling_face:. Good luck with your project!

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As a related experience on Joplin, I have been using it to record sessions during the french 'Colloques de Cerisy' for quite a while now.
I use it on a tablet with a pen that allows me handwriting straight into a note, and I also add pictures on the fly into the note when an interesting slide appears (I also take a pic of the author at the beginning).
Then in the afternoon I sync the notes with my computer's Joplin, I edit them a bit (the handwriging recognition is not always perfect) and I export the whole as pdf for archiving, backup and later searches.
Having tried many other softwares for this 'colloquium' purpose I am very satisfied with Joplin.
The only extra thing that I'd appreciate would be the capacity to quickly draft a drawing into Joplin, and indeed I see this is actually coming!
If you appreciate it as much as I do I encourage you to give a donation to the author, or to register on the Joplin cloud (which would allow you carious extras, like the possibility to co-edit some common notes...)


Thanks for your interest in Joplin, and I'm curious to know what you'll find out during your tests. If you need any help getting things working feel free to ask here.


It is course about software testing, where we had to choose some open source project and learn by doing tests on actively developed app.

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