Sync error with self-hosted nextcloud

Operating system


Joplin version


Desktop version info

Joplin 2.13.12 (prod, darwin)

Client ID: f545e58d61fc4c23a4a7b31e4803619a
Sync Version: 3
Profile Version: 44
Keychain Supported: Yes

Revision: e027cdc

Sync target


What issue do you have?

I have just set up Nextcloud on a Cpanel and want to sync various clients starting with a Mac.

I am getting a sync error and I hope someone can help me understand the error and point me in the right direction.

I suspect the issue is the WebDAV URL

I set up Nextcloud on its own subdomain and this is the URL I supplied:
XXXX ://nextcloud.(TLD)/remote.php/webdav/joplin

I suspect I have not created the joplin directory in the correct place. I went to files menu option on the nextcloud server and added it there:

XXXX ://nextcloud.(TLD)/index.php/apps/files/

Just confirmed that, saw a button "Check synchronisation configuration"

Error. Please check that URL, username, password, etc. are correct and that the sync target is accessible. The reported error was:
WebDAV directory not found: XXXX ://nextcloud(TLD).net/remote.php/webdav/joplin

Screenshots of the sync error and where it was created in the file system. I have looked around for where I should go.

I have also created a joplin directory in the nextcloud root
and when that did not work I tried creating /webdav/joplin in the nextcloud root

Hope someone can point me in the right direction.


Maybe it's just about the capitalization. Could you try with Joplin at the URL and the folder?

Another guess is that the username is missing at your path. For me https://<IP>/remote.php/dav/files/<user>/Joplin works.

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