Version Number: Joplin 2.5.12 (prod, win32)
Operating System: Windows 10 x64
I set up Joplin back in September and imported 12 notes (plus the 5 initial welcome notes from Joplin), and set up encryption. I stopped using Joplin for a while, and only now came back to it. Well, when I opened the desktop app, I somehow had 11 conflicts on my notes -- which I'm baffled as to how that happened, since I didn't even change anything since September. Even more confusing is that if I go to Tools -> Options -> Encryption, I see that I have 72/72 items decrypted. How? This is impossible, because I only have 17 total notes. What are the other 55 items?
Most likely items you're refer to are not (only notes): Joplin keeps history or changes, resources (attachments and such) and other things in the form of these items. Their number correlate obviously with the number of notes but it's rarely (never in my experience) 1:1 relation.
You don't have to worry about extra items, it's a technical metric for sync completeness mostly.
It might be my speculation but do you have 5 day note history enabled? 11 of your original notes might be stored several times as a history.
Btw, do you have these 55 extra notes in your note list?
Well, when I opened the desktop app, I somehow had 11 conflicts on my notes -- which I'm baffled as to how that happened, since I didn't even change anything since September.
Changed something on the synctarget, a another client that also synced ...
I see that I have 72/72 items decrypted. How? This is impossible, because I only have 17 total notes. What are the other 55 items?
Go to Help > Syncronisation Status' under Sync status (synced items / total items)` you can see how the file count sums.
Thank you, graphit0 and JackGruber. I figured out that the other items were "Resources." If I go to Tools -> Note attachments..., I can see that apparently there are some attachments that somehow came along with my notes. I'm not certain, but maybe they came from the Web Clipper (which I have used). Regardless, I'll probably just delete the ones I don't need to free up space and resources.