Share Content (to Joplin)


i try to share content from other apps (e.g. photos) with Joplin. But Joplin does not appear in the apps displayed. Is this possibility not available?


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Also wondering about this. Android user.

We had to remove the share-extension completely, due to the react-native update.

Please direct your complaints and feedback to the author of the share extension. If you find another solution we are all ears. It’s also a projet for GSoC, so let’s hope somebody picks it up.

Okay, but I don’t mean share from joplin, but share/send from e.g. from the photo app (android) to joplin…

Yes, I understood. The share-extension allowed to share from other apps to Joplin (receive data from other apps).

It’s still available in the current release for Android. However, it will be gone in the next release. Additionally, sharing anything else than text to Joplin did not work, because of bugs in the share extension.

Too bad, but thanks for clarifying!

And thanks for this great app, with which I took a big step towards digital independence :grin:.

But sharing is still a really important feature for me...

Yep, for me too. I hope we'll find another solution soon.