Selecting by tag only works the first time

Joplin 1.3.18 / Linux mint 19.3

-1604759640875.log (57.3 KB)

When selecting a tag it filters the notes that have it, however if I move to another notebook, and select again a tag, nothing happens, no error on the console. I attached the console output anyway because it does has a lot of warnings.

Also Help->Open profile directory does nothing. I had to find the folder in .config/Joplin manually.

Thank you.

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I've reproduced this bug.

I also confirm this bug.

It's problematic here as I imported 1000 Evernote notes, and am not able to both tag the notes and move them to different notebooks.

For now on I only move them, and later on will tag them.

Thank you!

On v1.4 there are a few fixes regarding tag selection and sidebar interaction in general so it might be fixed. If it still happens on 1.4 please let me know, and maybe a video showing the problem would help.

Thanks. It now works on 1.4.9.

Thank you, I confirm it works on 1.4.10