I have successfully imported all my Evernote notes to migrate to Joplin. But when I try to add anything to them in the mobile app I only see HTML code. I just want to take notes, not build a website. It's too hard to edit. What am I missing here? This is what it looks like when I hit edit.
You may need to try one of the different options of exporting from Evernote, one that doesn't preserve the HTML. You will lose some of the formatting since Markdown doesn't have multicolor highlighting, but pt will be easier to edit.
Export from EN to markdown, not to html. Then import the enex-file into
Joplin and evaluate the result for yourself. You’ll see your notes in markdown.
(That‘s what I did, if I remember it right.)
If imported as HTML a lot of the formatting used in Evernote will be retained but in order to achieve that the note is created using, as the import suggests, HTML. It will make the notes very difficult to edit, as you have found.
If imported as Markdown a lot of the formatting (such as the highlights in your screenshot) will be lost. That is because Markdown is limited in the formatting it can apply. The advantage is that the note will be easy to edit. That is why Joplin was created as a Markdown-based note taking app. It was so that a note was not in a proprietary format, was easy to read without the app, and the information it contained could easily be moved elsewhere.
Use this tool to export everything from Evernote into a file which can then be turned into a file folder of Evernote export files. Import one notebook only and do it as markdown and then take a look at it and it will be best that way versus I think importing as html.
The export from Evernote is done in only one format you don't choose markdown or HTML when backing up from evernote. It is the import into Joplin that determines whether it gets imported as HTML or gets imported as mark down.