Reopen. How do I set the token authorization with the terminal server?


I asked this question before and the topic is closed. There is still no answer to this. How do I get the browser addon to get the token auth locally from the CLI so that I do not need to use the desktop app, I want to use the browser extension with the terminal application.

@Daeraxa explained the issue very well.

I think the issue is that it isn't clear how to get the CLI app to accept the request.
Starting the server on the correct port is easy enough but how you then authorise the clipper isn't clear.

 ~ joplin config api.port                                                                                                   
api.port = null
 ~ joplin config api.port 41184                                                                                             
 ~ joplin server status                                                                                                     
Server is not running.
 ~ joplin server start                                                                                                      
12:51:52: Starting Clipper server on port 41184
12:51:55: Request: GET /ping
12:51:55: Request: GET /auth/check?token=<snip>
12:51:55: Request: POST /auth?token=null
12:51:55: Request: GET /auth/check?auth_token=jM0uDU8j1CS52NTO0exISX&token=null
12:51:56: Request: GET /auth/check?auth_token=jM0uDU8j1CS52NTO0exISX&token=null
12:51:58: Request: GET /auth/check?auth_token=jM0uDU8j1CS52NTO0exISX&token=null
12:51:59: Request: GET /auth/check?auth_token=jM0uDU8j1CS52NTO0exISX&token=null

At this point the clipper still states that it is waiting for authorisation from the server, obviously in Joplin Desktop you get the banner and authorise there but how you do the same from CLI I'm not sure.

Here is the original thread

No one knows how to do this?

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