Quick Links Plugin

I am not sure what you mean? Maybe RichText rather than markdown?

Do you mean links to notebooks? I think there's no support in Joplin for such links atm. "Copy external link" may work from within Joplin though I'm not completely sure.


I apologize, I'm still confused about the naming. Your plugin works in WYSIWYG, but it wasn't working in RichText, right? If so, I meant RichText.

Yes! You know these matters better. Is it technically challenging to provide support for this?


I think it's one of those things where there's no way to know until you start. But it can be done I'm sure, I personally just don't have time for it now.

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Sure. Whenever you have time, maybe you'd like to consider it. Thanks a lot for your great work so far. I'll be looking forward to new ones as your follower.