Quick Links Plugin

@roman_r_m: WOW :slight_smile:
I updated to the last version and activated the option for notebooks - what should I say? Thank you! (I said: That's really sick, very cool!)

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You're welcome.
Btw I've just pushed a tiny change to add an icon to the plugin's settings after seeing this screenshot

Yeah right, thank you for the quick update!!

Good. Small but nice addition.

Great plugin, works smoothly!

Only problem I have is the fact that I have spaces, separators and asterisks in my note/todo titles.
So the plugin will find note "210211 bring out the trash" but not "210212 | pc | reboot win10".



Space shouldn't be a problem on the latest version, neither is asterisk. Only these symbols will close autocomplete: ()[]{};:>,

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let's say I want to link to note "210212 | pc | reboot win10" because I already took out the rubbish yesterday.

If I type the spaces, then the dialog closes as soon as I enter the pipe "|".

If I do not type the spaces, then everything works fine, with asterisks, pipe and all.



This is strange, it's not configured to close on pipe and yet it does.
I'll look into this someday but with low priority.

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Perhaps I'm missing something, but I don't see "Options" in the Tools menu. All I see is:

Note Attachments…
Spell Checker
Command Palette

Do I need to use some switch or other to make "Options" appear?

Thanks for your help!

If you're on a Mac it will be somewhere else. I think it's titled "Preferences" I don't know which menu it's under though.

Why not write a short tutorial in the plugin settings page?

I know, I've been neglecting docs for this and other plugins for a while now.

On the other hard, there isn't much to it -- type @@ + some text and pick a note from the popup.

At one point I was wondering, if I should create a plugin setting to choose the trigger.

I like @@, but maybe others rather use something else. But noone actually mentioned this anywhere, so it's probably just a waste of time doing so.

I was initially going to use [[ (I think you've suggested that somewhere on the forum?) but for some reason [ had some special logic attached to it. Then I tried @ and again it didn't quite work as it worked with my inline tags plugin and # so I ended up with @@

Yep, a [ will add the closing bracket. @@ is a definitely good choice.

I'm just saying. Maybe a different character is easier to type on non-US layouts (or other layouts where it is easy).
But nobody complained so far, thus I reckon all is good. :wink:

Just published a new version 1.2.0:

  • Added ability to create a note if required. by gravypower

This is a nice feature, but it is a bit annoying that the create new ... option always shows up on top, even if notes are found. That's the only reason why I've deativated the feature in settings.

The New entry items should only show up (on top) if no other notes are found.
Otherwise they should be at the end of the list.

Otherwise you still have to skip them, when you actually found the note you want to link to.


I can create a PR for moving the New entry items to the bottom. I can even add an option to allow people to choose whether they should be on top or bottom.

Please let me know what you think.

This makes sense -- changed it in 1.2.1 which I've just published.

I don't think an option is needed at this point but if anyone thinks otherwise please let me know.


Thanks for making this!! Really nice, and make it much easier for keyboard.

And, maybe add some other function into this plugin?

  • Go to link under the cursor
    it will be really nice of I can use key board to go to the link under the cursor. Like,

    [Link name](asdfsfd#asdf)

    If my cursor is currently on those text. I can press like command + enter to go to the linked note or anchor inside the same page.

  • Then, maybe I can go back to previous location by some shortcut

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