Quick Links Plugin

Just published a new version 1.0.2. Autocomplete won't be closed on space.
However, your second request turned out to be not so easy to implement. As a workaround I've increased the number of results from 10 to 20. Later I'll see what I can do to implement it as you suggested.


Also, I was looking at your screenshot trying to find an alternative solution for you, and realized that the search does not work quite as I have expected.

For instance if you're looking for "Monthly Planning October 2020" you can type @@monthly october and it should suggest your note. You can even type @@october planning.

What surprised me is that apparently it's not possible to search for a note that has the exact phrase in the title, e.g. you if you search for title: foo bar you'll get foo bar but also bar foo or any title with both these words. And no, quotes do not seem to help.


Awesome plugin. Would it be possible for the plugin to create a new note with the typed title if no existing note is found?


I type "lorem ipsum," no results are returned except a result which says: "Create new note with title: lorem ipsum". Pressing enter would create that note (in the notebook which the 'live' note is in) and go to it.

It's not too hard to do, but I wonder how many users need this.

In the meantime, you might find this plugin useful Create note from highlighted text - #53 by Rob


Thanks @roman_r_m the latest version works great with spaces in the title - many thanks!

Re the search, my expectation is that:
title:foo bar
would search for notes with foo in the title and bar anywhere (or just the body?). I think this is what I see in practise...
For example:
title:"monthly review"
seems to only catch notes with the exact phrase "monthly review" in the title, whereas:
title:monthly review
finds notes with monthly in the title, and review either in the title or body.

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I'm probably doing something wrong but

Hmm, you're right. I also thought that adding the slash would help, but it doesn't work in the title search field - is this expected @laurent ?

So for example /"monthly review" will match only the exact phrase in the title and body, but title:/"monthly review" does not work...

Oh, but /title:"monthly review" does work as expected! Nice.

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Ahhhhhh... yes, great, thanks! We get there in the end :slight_smile:

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Now with 1.7.11 is release - I can also use that fantastic plugin!! Thank you!

One Question: Would it be possible to add the Notebook to the search results? I have some notes, with the same title and I don't know the source Notebook.

Thank you!

How about this

I wonder what do other users think? I can add an option to toggle this if someone prefers to only have titles.


I'd prefer note title to precede notebook. Per @NoeD's use case, the notebook only becomes relevant if there are multiple notes with the same title. In most cases, for most users, the notebook name is irrelevant, so why waste time looking at it until you actually need to look because you have multiple identical titles.


Yes please.

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Looks really good!

Sometimes I can remember some parts of the title but I'm not always 100% sure if it's the correct one. With the Notebook it easier to verify, that I'v selected the right one.

How about this instead?

Just a prototype, I don't like how notebook names are not aligned. I need to learn some HTML & CSS.


I like both ways. Can you create a note with a longer title (System Alignment Meeting 20210204 123482) in notebook, which is on the third level (my notebook names are unique), and try it again?
Thank you!

To be perfectly honest, the notebook name is only important when there are duplicate note names. e.g. note with title A in notebooks B, C, (D, ...).
In case of a duplicate note name, the result should show in notebook, otherwise there's no reason to.

In all other cases the additional info is just a distraction.

(This is just my personal opinion.)

Like this?


Didn't quite get the part about the 3rd level.

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How about I just add a switch to toggle notebook names? I don't want to make it too complicated.

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Just published a new version 1.1.0 that has notebook names in hints (off by default).