Question re: profiles

Operating system


Joplin version


What issue do you have?

When I delete a profile (by deleting the "profile-xyz" and the "profile-json" in ~.config/joplin-desktop), what happens to the data I have gathered using that profile; will that be deleted completely & automatically or must I take care of this (manually) before deleting the profile?


Maybe it will help if I described the use case:

I am using the backup-plugin and backing up as all_notebooks.jex.

To restore a single file I need to

  • set up a separate profile,
  • import the .jex-file,
  • copy the notebook or note needed
  • and import it into my standard profile.

That works fine, but then I want to get rid of the second profile again with all it contains, so do I need to delete it's data before getting rid of the profile, or will removing the profile lead to the deletion of the profile's data?
