is there an option to create a link to a position of my choice within a note, in order to link that position to another note?
I know that notes themselves are "linkable" by copying the markdown-link, but i wasn't able to find a solution to my problem described above.
Thank you for your help!
Joplin 2.4.12 (prod, darwin)
Client-ID: 78832704148c45b696618d967ffe03be
Sync-Version: 3
Profil-Version: 39
Unterstützter Schlüsselbund: Ja
You can modify a link to point to a header within the target note.
Say the Markdown link to your target note is [Important Long Process Doc](:/e71ae2735f23416080fdaf1dac5719e1). Also in that target note you have a header such as ## Summary or ### Shutdown Procedure.
You can link directly to those headers using:
[Important Long Process Doc](:/e71ae2735f23416080fdaf1dac5719e1#Summary) or [Important Long Process Doc](:/e71ae2735f23416080fdaf1dac5719e1#Shutdown-Procedure) (note that a hyphen replaces a space)