Jumping to a section of a note you linked

I want to be able to use the markdown for linking the notes, directly into a section of the note, such as

[Random Link][1]
[1]: :/noteid#jumptoheader

This and any number of tried methods doesn’t work because it breaks the Joplin note link.

Just asking if there is some method to do this, and if not could it be added?


It’s not supported at the moment but feel a free to open a GitHub issue about it, as it would indeed be nice to support this.


I see this is available in v1.0.167. Could someone please explain how you use it?


in a noteA you have for example

[joplin terminal](#terminal)

in a noteB you have

[joplin terminal](:/noteid_of_noteA#terminal)

But I tried and failed, joplin says

message or link not managed [:/noteid#link]

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I think correct [joplin terminal](:/noteid_of_noteA#terminal), but this doesn’t work too.

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yes I forgot the / betwen the : and the id

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here I that the settings are not complet as until now we have to enable plugins from settings page but nothing for this one.

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Works for me with this syntax:

[My note](:/76aeada0baf54d3d811118e3d3ae0bb9#bottom)

What’s not working for you?

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What do you have as the anchor in the target note?

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when we do a [link](:/id)we see the J image near the link ; but once I write [link](:/id#header),

it’s over the J image disapears and I have the error I mentioned above.
as @dasym asked, what do you write in “My Note” as anchor to create the link that works ?

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I have the following anchor [Книги из номер](#books).
And in other note I have the link [Из Upgrade](:/11063b48b4c644af966faa04aa44b2cd#books) in this case link doesn’t work.
But if I have the following anchor [Books](#books) - it’s work.

Are you definitely on the latest version v167?

[Window Title]

Joplin for Desktop

Copyright © 2016-2019 Laurent Cozic
Joplin 1.0.167 (prod, win32)

Revision: 8059009f (HEAD)

It works for me, so I don’t know what the issue is. Could someone create a JEX file with two linked notes that show the issue?

works for me too @ home
@ office i was with 1.0.165

It’s not working with Version 1.0.167 on Windows. JEX file as requested

@dasym, you can only link to headers or to anchor explicitly set with an A tag.

For example, if you create a header like this:

# My anchor

It will create an anchor named “my-anchor”, which you can then link from a note like this: [Target note](:/6d55a1e4d87946099bb8aeb24f663f96#my-anchor)

Another way to create an anchor is like this:

<a id="another-anchor"></a>

Which again you can link like this: [Target note](:/6d55a1e4d87946099bb8aeb24f663f96#another-anchor)

I’m planning to add some info about this in the doc, but in the meantime this is how it works.


@laurent, thanks. Yes, these ways work here.

Do I understand correctly that [Книги из номер](#books) form doesn’t work and I can use only automatic generated anchor? And if I have header in my nationality language I must use only html tags?