Here is another small plugin that simply provides a few new commands.
With the help of the commands you can quickly and easily move the selected note(s) to another notebook.
This works best if you assign keyboard shortcuts to the commands. By default there are already some shortcuts assigned (e.g. CmdOrCtrl+Shift+1) to the commands.
Note: I had to add the . . strings before subfolders to show the folder structure. Simple whitespaces before the notebook names, were removed by the app. So the hierachy gets lost.
I installed and started using this plugin without any hesitation. It's a perfect workaround for 'silent-deleting notes" feature (The feature request post): I make a ".trash" folder and assign it to the "notebook for quick move action 1", and then assign the shortcut key "ctrl + backspace" to action 1 (since "cmd + backspace" is reserved by Joplin, which is one of the only two flaws of this workaround. The other is to exclude the ".trash" folder from searching results).
Now whenever I want to delete a note, I just press "ctrl + backspace" and the note is "deleted" silently without the annoying confirmation dialog. And the "deleted" notes could be found in the ".trash" folder in case of recovering.
I don't understand. I just assigned for testing purposes Cmd+Backspace to Attach file.
At least the shortcut editor allows you to assign Cmd+Backspace.
For some reason the settings for this didn't install when I installed the plugin. I tried restarting Joplin, but still didn't appear. (Is it possibly because I have too many plugins? No such thing! ) Joplin 1.8.1 (prod, darwin)
Also @novelx that is a great idea, I have a trash folder for the same reason. Like @tessus I was able to assign a ctrl-backspace (to a different shortcut) on Mac. Maybe you already have that assigned to another shortcut (or could be something particular to the plugin, I'll check again once I can view settings)?
Even more strangely, when I clicked "Update" on the Note Overview plugin (yellow in my screenshot above) the settings for Quick Move appeared, but clicking restart caused it to disappear again before I had a chance to click it. Maybe it really is a case of too many plugins?
Hm... that's strange. I can confirm this behavior, I saw it on my side (Windows) too. And I haven't that much plugins installed. I've noticed that there was a change in the plugin API (in 1.8.1) regarding the settings registration. Maybe it has something to do with this change.
The shortcut editor does allow you to assign 'Cmd+Backspace', but when you press the shortcut key in note view, the confirmation dialog pops out as usual, that's why I say the shortcut is 'reserved by Joplin'. But when you press 'Ctrl+Backspace', the note just goes away.
My settings are now showing (not sure what changed, but ), and I see this same behavior @tessus. Basically the keyboard shortcut allows you to map to Command-backspace, but using that shortcut still pops the normal delete action. It seems like if the normal delete action had a visible keyboard shortcut that collision wouldn't occur?
That's indeed a bit weird then. Not sure why this is happening. Actions are usually overwritten when assigning shortcuts. e.g. I even removed certain CodeMirror shortuts, like redo by setting it to NULL:
I realize it's the opposite of a 'quick' move, but is it possible to ask for a confirmation on some of the actions when triggered from a keyboard shortcut?
Basically a confirmation dialog Are you sure you want to move <Note title> to Notebook <Recycle bin>, which is enabled by a checkbox [ ] Ask for confirmation next to the destination notebook in the plugin settings.
If I'm being honest, I would only use it on a single 'trash' notebook, so it is probably not worth the time to implement this. But I am so desperate for a recycle bin system in Joplin, and your plugin is almost there, it is a bit frustrating at times. Anyway, sorry for the rant, that wasn't intended.
No worries I will leave the ticket anyway. Maybe I will add it sometime.
Another idea would be to simply add an extra Move with confirmation action in the user options...
Any chance you may add the possibility for the user to customise the "Menu contexts" name, instead of "Quick move action 1" , "Quick move action 2" , etc? Or could the plugin automatically rename this with the name of the notebook title?
It is hard to remember 9 different actions.
Great plugin btw!