Plug-in: Zotero Links

I stumbled across the idea on linking zotero entries via the zotero:// api. So I implemented it. Please try it out if you find this useful and give me some feedback :).

It is called Zotero Link.


I'm a new Joplin user and have just installed your Zotero plugin but I can't see how to use it!

Can you give simple instructions - I assume I'm missing something obvious here!

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Simple instructions exist in the plugin's Github page: GitHub - jannessm/joplin-zotero-link

I'm surprised that said page isn't set as the plugin's homepage.

Thanks, muzak. I had completely missed that! I'll give it a try.

I have installed ZotServer 0.1.2 in Zotero (v 6.0.30) and Zotero Link v1.0.0 in Joplin (v 2.13.122), relaunched both programs but when I enter z@ in a note nothing happens.

Any ideas? Am I missing something?

If nobody else replies, open up an issue on Github.

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Some progress...

It looks like it only works in markdown mode, not the rich text editor. However, in markdown mode, when I type @z, I get this error:

Zotero not found
Could not connect with Zotero. Is it running?

Zotero is running and the ZotServer is enabled. I've tried restarting Joplin before Zotero and vice versa but I always get that error.

This shows something is working but not connecting to Zotero but I don't know whether this is an issue with Joplin or Zotero.

I see there's been an update to the plugin and it's now v1.0.2.

If I now type in z@ in the markdown editor, I get an overlay that has several blank lines at the start, some entries (see screenshot) before correctly listing all my Zotero entries. I suspect the blanks and undefined entries are caused by some entries in my Zotero that are incomplete.

However, starting to type the title of a paper that's in Zotero narrows down the list and selecting one correctly enters the title and link to Zotero in markdown and in the Rich Text editor so that all seems to be working.

Thanks for all this, @jannessm !

Is it possible to get it to work in the Rich Text editor as well?


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this is cool. Thanks for writing the plug-in!

I hate to say that I carefully followed the steps for installing Zotero using the update v1.0.2, but I repeatedly get the error message Alan reported in December after typing z@: 'Zotero not found. Could not connect with Zotero. Is it running?

Restarting Joplin and Zotero, switching off and on the plugin, seems to make no difference. Any thoughts?


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thank you, it looks work well!