Please help! Main issue: Can't access files; secondaries: cannot sync, edit... Android & Windows

Operating system


Joplin version


What issue do you have?

Quick story: i dislike evil transnational corporations, their executives, and their behaviors. in a spirit of improving our collective well-being, it seems sensible to me that we ought all try to resist their pernicious surveillance and the insidious and anti-social profiting they obsess about by a system of extremely manipulative and exploitative campaigns. the billions they're wasting each year trying to profit from knowing what every single person is up to every single moment could go to good causes -- not more yachts and emissions in our air, water, lands, lungs, kids.
maybe the language isn't perfectly relatable, but most of us agree that we could do more to work together, yes?
so in this spirit, i've tried many programs that are not part of the evil transnational LLCs' systems. sadly, none of the programs seem to meet what i believe are pretty simple conditions (e.g., can be available and edited from two devices [android & windows], don't require programming fluency, and allow us to work without worrying that Company X is going to have infinite and eternal opportunities to profit from the work. Oh, and, at present, i need it to be free; this should be a temporary condition. [tremendous debt, zero liquidity, etc.])

Why I'm reaching out to you: i installed joplin on android two or three months ago and created 5 - 10 folders, most with at least 5 files. they're long, text-based files with information i find very important. since downloading a windows version and trying to move the android to a central location that would allow me to revise and put the files to use from the laptop, many problems have erupted. Joplin just isn't friendly towards people who don't know computer languages.

since google is evil (and microsoft, etc.), i found Tresorit. Thought this would work. Been very patient in trying to follow various instructions. But it hasn't worked.

for now, i just want to access what was (is?) on the device running android.


The device seems to still contain the folders and files, both from the original stuff Joplin created as well as in a second location i created to act as a station for syncing with Tresorit.

Second question set: How do I open these, both A) with Joplin and B) any other another program?
What do i need to do and what is the most effective way for me to make them available to another program?
While I don't want to use Obsidian, maybe it's the least bad option. MS's Word on the laptop has been stopped from most of its covert communications with headquarters, and it is functional, so that would be a reasonable starting-over pit stop. (I like what i've seen of Trilium, but am concerned that using it will also lock my work into its proprietary model and lead back to this very uncomfortable place.)

A main barrier I can't seem to get around: At present, Joplin on Android doesn't recognize any folders, files, notebooks. as mentioned, at least some folders and files exist. hopefully no info has been permanently lost. It seems like the program is pretty reckless in its destructive potential. i don't mean to suggest that developers have been, but when good-faith efforts to follow instructions can cause great harm, i think some fundamental assumptions about how the program operates should be revisited.

Stepping back, more generally:
If you have any suggestions, i'm very open! I just want a functional (and ideally, elegant and intuitive) program that can work on shared files between two devices. out of ignorance )and focus elsewhere) the devices run android and windows. i try to prevent them from constant communications with evil transnational llcs, but am probably only moderately successful. still, i'd like to resist corporate surveillance as much as possible.

I am in a similar situation Zettel Notes. My attempts to communicate with the people behind it have not been productive. I would really like to liberate that info also. At least with it, I can cut and paste (but where? to emails? ugh.)

Can you understand where i'm coming from, as a non=developer? If someone(s) would be willing to please offer some guidance in restoring access to these files, and offering a moment to translate your significant wisdom into information i can use to continue my work in the most productive manner possible, i'd be really grateful.

Thank you!

(disclaimer: once i got out of the tiny editing box, i saw that this needed editing for clarity)