Note Titles appear as "code" instead of text

Joplin for Desktop v 1.4.19
Windows 10 Pro Build 18362.19h1.....
Before I installed the desktop version, I was having the same problem with the Portable version.
Hopefully, there is an easy fix for this.
I do not synchronize with any other computer or device.
The last time I used my Joplin, everything was fine.
I opened it today and all my note titles had cryptic "code" showing instead of Titles. The code reflects the "*.md" file names instead of my titles.
After messing around with it for a bit, I decided to install the Desktop App and maybe that would fix my problem. After the install, I went to File, Import, Markdown Directory and imported all my notes.
Same result with note titles replaced with long, cryptic file names.

It has been four hours and no help.

Maybe I need to explain better:
This is what I am seeing in my "Editor Viewer"

Any help would be appreciated.

How did you export the notes?
Or did you import a Joplin internal directory into the new installation?

I did not export the notes recently, unfortunately. I was hoping that I could just import the whole folder as the menus seem to indicate. (Yes. I should have been backing up before I got to 247 notes that I apparently need to enter again. I did not see this coming. How did all these notes change overnight from perfectly good to junk? The problem happened before I did the install of the program and attempted the importing. The whole thing about "portable" should mean that all I have to do is move the whole folder and I have all that I need in that folder. Somehow, it seems, all these not files got corrupted.)
I imported the whole folder/directory.
Thanks for your response.