I documented my data migration from TiddlyWiki to Joplin at http://kleinfelter.com/nodejs-tiddlywiki-to-joplin. You may find this useful if you meet some of the following:
- You'd like to convert from TiddlyWiki to Joplin
- Your TiddlyWiki runs as a node.js or an HTML app
- You have lots of intra-wiki links in your TiddlyWiki. (The other conversions I found did not deal with this.)
You may find it useful even if you don't use TiddlyWiki if you want to enter internal links as
[[Note Title Here]]
instead of
(Note Title Here)[:/NOTE_GUID_HERE]
I'm thinking of setting up a scheduled task (or maybe a trigger) to run the internal-link conversion script periodically. I really prefer
[[Note Title Here]]
(Note Title Here)[:/NOTE_GUID_HERE]
You won't be able to use my doc as a step-by-step for your own conversion but you may find it helpful if you're attempting your own complex conversion.