Missing TitleBar, max min x close buttons on 1.0.233 Win10

Hi Joplin, great program

With the latest update 1.0.233 on Win10 (desktop with all the latest updates), the Title Bar aka TitleBar is missing.

No Max Min X Close buttons, no App name “Joplin”

See Screenshot I have uploaded with this posting

Joplin App itself works normally,

just TitleBar and functions related to title bar are missing

For example, some strange behavior:

  • cannot move Joplin app without right-clicking on taskbar icon, clicking “move” and using arrow keys to move Joplin
  • cannot resize Joplin
  • Win10 doesn’t seem to remember Joplin location. When I close + re-open, sometimes remembers Joplin location, but when I reboot, Joplin app is lost off-screen, and I have to use “move” + arrow keys to find, as above.

Very strange. Only started happening this way yesterday.

Has Joplin autoupdate enabled, also Chocolatey

Tried re-installing, same issues

Kindly advise
All my other apps and folders are working normally with title bars.

Thank you for your kind assistance, much appreciated


I've the same issue with missing title bar. In addition the joplin window is displayed in full screen.
But when I login as another user to my notebook and start joplin everything is normal. So the problem seems to stick in the %UserProfile% and/or registry. But I haven't been able to repair (new installation, removing .config..)

Any idea is welcome. Changing the user and completely rebuild environment would be a hussle.
