I could use some ideas on how to better manage the following!
I maintain one "master" todo list that I consult every morning to determine what todos I want to work on that day. Many of the todos are just plain text because there's not much detail I need written out (no dependencies that need to be done beforehand, I have all the necessary details in my head). The more involved todos will be links to notes that contain the necessary details/reference material.
Because this is a very long list of todos, I use markdown headers to categorize todos - e.g., work-related todos, work inside the house, yard work, administrative/paperwork, waiting for responses, etc.; and many of those are subdivided into near-term, intermediate-term, long-term and periodic subcategories. I use the Outline sidebar plugin to more quickly navigate this list.
Each morning, I'll scroll through and figure out which todos need to be worked on today, and I'll copy/paste those to a "Today" section at the very top of the note. Of course not everything gets done that day, so the "Today" section gets longer and I also get lazy and start adding items directly to the "Today" section instead of the appropriate category.
So periodically I have to purge the todos from the "Today" list and move those todos to the appropriate category, and start with a fresh "Today" list.
Wondering if there's a better way to manage my daily todo list. What might be really cool is being able to scroll though this master todo list and select items (by whatever means) I want to work on today and have those items autopopulate a list at the top of the note (or a separate list). That would save me the hassle of copying/pasting the items I want to work on, and eliminate at least some of the overhead in managing this system.
In the past when using Evernote, I've tried making every single todo its own note, and that system broke down very quickly because the overhead (effort I had to put into maintaining the system) was enormous. My current method isn't great, but because it requires less overhead than a system that makes each todo its own note, it lasts longer before I have to "reset" it. But an even lower overhead method would be even better.
Ideas, suggestions, tips welcomed!