Complete Joplin with a task management application


The subject of task management in Joplin has been discussed many times on the forum. It seems (for many good reasons) that many of you do not use Joplin to manage tasks. I won't go back to that.

I'm more interested in what software you use to manage your tasks and how you articulate it with Joplin. Some testimonies on this subject?


I'm in the midst of revamping my task management set up but I've settled on using something GTD inspired. For my tasks I'm using todo.txt, specifically Sleek on desktop and Simpletask on Android. I use Joplin with the kanban plugin to manage my project list.


Great, I didn't know this application.

I like todo.txt but I find that the handling with many tasks is not always easy. But with a good plugin it could make a great integration. Taskwarrior is very good too...

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The problem with taskwarrior was the lack of good mobile support which is why I didn't consider it.


Totally agree with that

FWIW I do use Joplin.

To get the same as you get with todo.txt:

  • create a folder just for tasks.
  • all notes there are tasks.
  • context is a tag. Add as many as you want.
  • project can be a tag or a subfolder. Depends on your workflow.
  • for priority, just sort the tasks with custom order. Only problem is that you can't sort on phone.
  • every now and then, prune done tasks.
  • set an alarm for when you plan to do a task. Not for the deadline.

So far, I get things done with this.


For me the problem of GTD with Joplin is review. We can try to reproduce GTD but there are frictions with capture and review on mobile.


I used to be an Omnifocus person, but in the interests of going open source as much as possible I recently switched to Super Productivity and really like it.

Hi @css

Really nice. I didn't know that. :+1:

My favorite app (unfortunately Windows only) is ToDoList by Abstractspoon (download link here). I use it a lot with the Getting Things Done philosophy, but the most essential things for me (in order) are:

  1. Hierarchical tasks (great for setting up projects and sub-projects)
  2. Priority
  3. Due dates
  4. Recurrence and reminders

A really excellent tool (completely free and offline too). I highly recommend it.

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Interesting. For my side, i had used for GTD Everdo. Great app too, simple and efficient... But not really FOSS.

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I'd like to be able to use Joplin for work tasks, but have not been able to do it properly yet.

The way I'd like to do task management is: as I write notes, meeting notes, etc, create a markdown to-do, - [ ] description, in the note. Then make a "list of to-dos" note which aggregates all those markdown tasks into one note.

I've tried the note overview plugin but can't seem to get it working like I want to. To be fair I don't know if it does what I've described above.

I'm a heavy Nextcloud user and synch my tasks to my different devices via it so right now I use the default Mac OS Reminders app, Super productivity on Linux and the Android app.

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no iPhone app.

No sub projects

I use GitHub - wekan/wekan: The Open Source kanban (built with Meteor). Keep variable/table/field names camelCase. For translations, only add Pull Request changes to wekan/i18n/en.i18n.json , other translations are done at only. and Sleek

At the time I would manage it by tag. But to do GTD you don't need. Wekan cool too

I'm using Joplin for task management - I have main tasks, which are to-do notes, then within this I have multiple checkboxes and other sections with notes that related to the main task. Once it's done I mark the task as complete. I don't need much more than this actually, but I'm curious what would make it more usable for task management for you?


If you are looking for a strong open source app, then Kanboard is tops.

On Joplin, there are several interesting ways it can be a task management powerhouse, especially since so many good quality plugins have been presented relatively recently:

  • With the basic Kanban plugin, any notebook can be a simple Kanban board, and you can have multiple boards on a one per notebook + children basis. Then with the filtering system I think it could handle a sizeable number of cards (use a template to create Card notes/todo items). Then with the note overview plugin, Joplin is doted with a lot of Notion database functionality which could be used to create on the fly automatically generated tables of cards from different Kanban boards; plus with the Markdown Table: sorted plugin you can sort table columns interactively.

So this is just touching the surface. With more and more people getting involved with the fairly recent plugin community, I think it would simply take creating a topic and developing the requirements, then developing some additional plugins or improving existsing ones.

In my case, I am deeply intrigued, given my interest these days with getting very serious about independent publishing of my fiction and non-fiction, as to whether the functionality of, say, Scrivener, cannot be equalled and/or improved. Just to give one example, the Life Calendar and other similar plugins, plus some of those I have just mentioned, could easily provide functionality for character profiles, and for scene summaries and synopses, plus scene lists that can be re-ordered, searched, filtered, etc. etc.

Static site generation, already implemented for at least Github pages, is another example.

I think it's a question of people who need similar functionality and have similar requirements put their heads together in order to develop functionality vision documents that plugin developers can contribute towards implementing.


This is similar to the style that I like, I actually wrote a "plugin" using the Joplin API a few years ago (before the actual plugin system) that does essentially this. I recently translated it into a real plugin and I've been testing it on my machine before making it publicly accessible. So stay tuned, it should be available soon.


Fascinating. Thanks. I was not aware of the existence of Sleek! Thanks! I'm always happy to discover new free open source projects


What are you using to synchronize your todo.txt file between Sleek and Simpletask?