Lost Notes and NoteBooks w/ no Backups

Operating system


Joplin version


Sync target

Joplin Server

What issue do you have?

i did export my datas but do not find them on my phone, i think there where no more space for the JEX file, we did the sync, almost every notes of mine survived, excepted the most importants one to me, my poems, they were classified with tags, and in notebooks by year and months, some are in real notebooks so i can save them but many where only in this app, the JEX file is not on my phone or in my drive and i would like to know if there is another backup possible ? i've also got an desktop Joplin on ubuntu, it stopped syncronising one year ago so i've got some notes on it too, i'm a little scared to lose them too because all i've got on my phone was many hours of work...
thanx, (i'm very desperate)

i've saw something called ''note history" and it's on, but it doesn't show it anywhere... maybe they're in there but idk where to find them, does anyone know where they should appear ? :sob: