Joplin shows notice that notes are deleted

Operating system


Joplin version


Desktop version info

Flatpack on Fedora
F-Droid on Android

Sync target

Joplin Cloud

What issue do you have?


I sometimes see in the notice above the sync button that some remote or local notes have been deleted, even if I haven't deleted any notes for 10 syncs or so.
And it's not just one note, sometimes it says there are 15 remote notes that have been deleted, and I'm worried that there is a bug that is randomly destroying notes of mine.
It may just be a display bug, but I want to know for sure.

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The message may be referring to old note revisions — old note revisions described as "items" in the sync status message.

Note that whenever an item (note, folder, tag, etc.) is deleted locally, Joplin should add a message to its logs tagged with "DeleteAction". For me, when I filter Joplin's log file for "DeleteAction" matches, I get:

11-26T15:34:27: DeleteAction: Revision.deleteOldRevisions: ; Item IDs: ["5fb7e20679004a6982e35330769d8f2c"]
11-26T15:34:27: DeleteAction: Revision.deleteOldRevisions: ; Item IDs: ["2afea47b0948481c8e8ffa53b92c2d3e"]
11-26T15:34:27: DeleteAction: Revision.deleteOldRevisions: ; Item IDs: ["3cbd2c64dd2940658353e827ffee6698","eabbbabab74145289fdce3d8f8ad5ee8","964aa4bdb1ae411bb6f427a2ec412802","1668a14f06e844c789ca2928e3f07c2f","17cd541b19374d39b2cae2539aadac4c","f08cae87a95e4e3994991c028bbc7af2","1e51f13e4a8c4fdbac96d14cb55f17d7","266cdbdff280469bb8f1fa343002421b","791fc788d0664b02a8d0c1c80632ca00","06ec63e1bba94840afca9409e55b8490","ebbe32175fdc40e2a34fcdc11d9ea0b2","f54ae6b56a2d445fbe20a8e16a93b89c","0b4b1348ef0744e59d7d17ab6a885bf4","1539db48250b4e4eafdb6b343fe2c843","3c9f99fcda6c46ae83984d3ec605d125","7220fb77906a41e99c18f170b01f7d8e","095a705bbe1a4915b0071742db98ea33","8eadcfc21d6643ca88216e778f1ce15c","9ff74904a23940e0ae1a51b3bca55a0b","2791cdede57c42d386e0063a469c90a7","b8f2021ff13c43a7976a082af2a20f68"]
11-26T11:50:13: DeleteAction: sync: deleteLocal: ; Item IDs: ["9b2e7d9c3e8c4c329a4c8e58ecce8f07"]
11-26T11:50:13: DeleteAction: sync: deleteLocal: ; Item IDs: ["80424eeb57f0491faa0ae5ab145dc16a"]

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Above, lines that include Revision.deleteOldRevisions correspond to old revisions of items that were automatically deleted based on the "settings" > "note history" > "Keep note history for" setting. Lines that include sync: deleteLocal: correspond to items that were deleted by a sync (e.g. old revisions that were deleted on some other device).

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Thank you for your reply.
Because i know now that deleted revision of notes are also count to deleted notes i don´t have to worry much about this anymore.

But i also found some log messages that say that say deleteLocal but don´t contain DeleteAction
It looks like this Synchronizer: deleteLocal: 1