Joplin search intergration - getting Error: Please configure the token first

Operating system


Joplin version


Desktop version info

Joplin 2.13.15 (prod, win32)

Client ID: 467a05da20264de1b5d0c9458d5028ab
Sync Version: 3
Profile Version: 44
Keychain Supported: Yes

Revision: 7d2c1c0

What issue do you have?

I'm new to Joplin
When I search using Google Chrome I'm getting

Joplin search notes
Error: Please configure the token first

What is a token and how do I configure the token?

All help appreciated


This message tell you, you should configure the add.on:
Please follow the below process to do that.

  1. Check or Enable the clipper service in Joplin app

    • Navigate to Tools > Options in the Joplin menu.
    • Select "Web Clipper."
    • Enable the clipper service if this service in disable in "Step 1: Enable the clipper service"
  2. Copy Token number
    In the same screen

  • Go to "Advance Options" section and select copy token link.
    The token is copying in your clipboard.
  1. Go to your web navigator. I believe it is Google Chrome
    Go to the extension configuration, select the Joplin search integration add-on manager and paste the token that you have already copied in preference section in the token box
    At this time, you are ready to use this extension to search in internet and Joplin notes as well.

Note: In order to search into Joplin, you should keep open Joplin app.

1 Like

Thanks, Eduardo

I now have Joblin Intergartion search working!!

Thank you for the detailed usage instructions. Can I add them to the forum post about Joplin Search Integration? Perhaps I also need to add them to the description in the Chrome/Firefox extension store. Sorry, this is somewhat of a blind spot for me, or it's more or less self-evident.


It would help if instructions included Eduardo's notes and also explained

must install web clipper first (as it generates the token?)

how to find the place in search integration settings that the token has to be pasted in


Open extension config page: chrome-extension://mcjkdcifkhjenpfjacnbhpdcnjknjkhj/src/options/index.html

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