Joplin on my PC has an error in interface

Joplin just displays a blank screen. When I try to click menu bar then the menu appear. I think all of items are still there but they are not be displayed.

Joplin 1.0.242
Windows 7 (32 bit)

Could you open the development tool (in Help menu) to see if there’s any error?

I spent three hours to figure out a way making Joplin works. Luckily, I found a soloution by setting “compatibility mode”. Then Joplin works perfectly but I still hope this error can be fixed.

I turn off “Compatibility mode” and follow as you said but nothing happen


want to bring this up again because Joplin on my PC shows the same symptoms.

First start of Joplin shows a blank screen where I can do nothing. Closing and restarting Joplin works. Maybe related to bug White window Windows 10 · Issue #4361 · laurent22/joplin · GitHub?

Devtools give me a lot of Warnings:

Joplin 1.7.10 (prod, win32)
Sync-Version: 2
Profil-Version: 34
Unterstützter Schlüsselbund: Ja
Revision: fb1c876b5 (master)