Joplin just displays a blank screen. When I try to click menu bar then the menu appear. I think all of items are still there but they are not be displayed.
Joplin 1.0.242
Windows 7 (32 bit)
Joplin just displays a blank screen. When I try to click menu bar then the menu appear. I think all of items are still there but they are not be displayed.
Joplin 1.0.242
Windows 7 (32 bit)
Could you open the development tool (in Help menu) to see if there’s any error?
I spent three hours to figure out a way making Joplin works. Luckily, I found a soloution by setting “compatibility mode”. Then Joplin works perfectly but I still hope this error can be fixed.
want to bring this up again because Joplin on my PC shows the same symptoms.
First start of Joplin shows a blank screen where I can do nothing. Closing and restarting Joplin works. Maybe related to bug White window Windows 10 · Issue #4361 · laurent22/joplin · GitHub?
Devtools give me a lot of Warnings:
Joplin 1.7.10 (prod, win32)
Sync-Version: 2
Profil-Version: 34
Unterstützter Schlüsselbund: Ja
Revision: fb1c876b5 (master)