Joplin on mobile dont syc

Operating system


Joplin version


Desktop version info

Windows 10 64 bit:
Joplin 2.13.15
Client ID: d36ff44acc134e6ab311d48dcd681c11

Sync target

File system


Markdown Editor

What issue do you have?

what i did:

  • set the software to "file system sync"
  • set the path directory
  • pressed on "syncronized"

what i expected
joplin will sync ont he notebooks and notes and all there remote files from the folder

what actually happens:
jopling said the syncronization is complete but the software remain empty of any new notes/notebooks

any idea how to deal with this

  • Make sure your other system is full synced, and check if there's any sync error on that side -
  • Then also check if there's any error on Android side

yup, there are bunch of errors here allright.

what do do about it?


Those are minor errors and do not affect sync. To see sync related log, use search bar at the top of console and the keyword "sync"

At this point I was able to get it to work by manually copying the sync folder into my mobile device. So I think the problem is with syncthing and not with joplin

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Ok scratch that, i just had the same problem again. and manually transferring the sync folder did not worked. so i guess it is a problem with Joplin after all,

So following your last instructions and i searched "sync" in the Console's search bar.
and i indeed found a bunch.
what do i do with it?

Can you move to some cloud provider to rule out problems with clients and not filesystem sync?

Same issue, with Version 2.14.9 on my "new to me" Note20 Ultra 5g

it will NOT sync with the laptop.
I deleted the app, restarted the cellphone,
installed it again, got it connected to Dropbox, and it downloaded all of the "old notes"

But, it will NOT sync up with New Notes created on the laptop, Linux Mint LM21.3 Cinnamon.

I still have my old Galaxy S10+ with Joplin on it, and it does sync up with new notes.

I have tried to find and read all the comments relative to this, and nothing suggested is working for me.

If you do a File System Sync on one of your computers, Joplin will write out a pile of files to the directory specified.

You can move that directory to a directory on another device, then in Joplin there, do a File System Sync from wherever you moved them to.

You'll have to keep moving these files back and forth, unless you can define some common share where both computers can get to them, and each either do a write-out sync or a read-in sync.

I do not have a separate/dedicated folder on any PC.
only Dropbox.

when I look at the Dropbox itself, it is impossible to read what is there, just a bunch of meaningless crap, that is not legible to a human.

Why is the cellphone NOT updating?
it does not see the new notes, nor can I make an note on the phone and see it on the PC.

so it is obvious, it is NOT Syncing.

I can ifi need to tough i prefer not to. Like i said i already copied and pasted manually.

As in connected my mobile to my computer with USB and just copied pasted the files into

this is what i tried to do, i connected my mobile to the computer with my USB and copy pasted the folder. yet the problem persist.

That's not quite how File System Sync works. It's one of the Synchronization types seen in the settings.

When that's configured and sync'd, it writes your current data out to that new directory. You can then move that directory around as you need. Move it to a second computer with Joplin, then do a File System sync pointing to that directory, and that sync should populate your data.

I'd point you to the docs, but File System Sync isn't covered there. But in closing, it's a separate copy of your data that you can move around, then export/import as needed. It's flexible, but has a higher cost. I use it on three computers with syncthing keeping the second copies up to date. But I'm considering JoplinCloud.

When that's configured and sync'd, it writes your current data out to that new directory. You can then move that directory around as you need. Move it to a second computer with Joplin, then do a File System sync pointing to that directory, and that sync should populate your data.

which is pretty much what i did when copy pasted it, i took the sync folder and copied its content to the sync folder on my mobile.

So if you update your phone, then File System Sync out, then those files need to get to a place where your other Joplin can File System Sync them in.

You have to repeat the process but backwards to get those phone updates back to the desktop or laptop.

Or use some software like syncthing to keep those directories up to date. There are solutions, some with slight costs.

Oh, okay, I think we have a communication malfunction here. So allow me to explain again.

Normally I would use sync thing. But because of some sync issues I had as a flight, I did that, I copy-pasted the folder by myself, just to see if this is a jobless problem or a sync-thing problem.

Hey, so I did what you asked me to do and I used Dropbox in order to sync my computer with my mobile and it seems to work fine.

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Hi. Do you mean you can have a sync folder on your PC with Joplin and then copy this folder over the folder on your Android with Joplin? And backwords? Does Joplin have the same directory structure on both Windows and Android.
