Joplin launches Ebook reader for PDFs

Operating system


Joplin version


Desktop version info

Joplin 3.0.15 (prod, linux)

Client ID: 6195d51fbcd046d484fa1b5ac5dcd00c
Sync Version: 3
Profile Version: 47
Keychain Supported: No

Revision: 598677b

Backup: 1.4.1
Hotfolder: 1.2.0
Slash Commands: Datetime & More: 1.3.2

Sync target

Joplin Cloud


Markdown Editor

What issue do you have?

Ubuntu 24.04

When launching PDFs from Joplin, the system e-book reader is opened.
I would prefer to use the normal Ubuntu PDF viewer.
Double clicking a PDF from file explorer launches normal Ubuntu PDF viewer, but Joplin does not.
I can't find any configuration to control this behaviour.

Undesirable behaviour started after upgrade from 23.10 to 24.04.

This isn't a Joplin problem. Likely your default apps in Ubuntu. Here's one of thousands of similar articles on how to change/set these for Ubuntu.

Could also be browser related, in that the browser is configured or trying to help you (too much).

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Thanks for your response, but unfortunately this does not resolve my issue.

As indicated in my original post when I check the OS settings I can see Ubuntu opens the correct application for PDFs. It is just Joplin that opens the wrong one and I'm not sure why.

I was hoping there was some config in Joplin I'd missed that someone could point me towards.

I no longer believe the issue is down to Joplin, but I continue to investigate.

  • Issue manifested after update from Ubuntu 23.10 to Ubuntu 24.04
  • OS default PDF viewer has never been changed from the installation defasult of Evince.
  • Uninstalling Calibre now causes Joplin to launch GIMP for PDF viewing.
  • I will uninstall GIMP now and see what happens.

After removing GIMP, Joplin launched Chrome for PDF viewing.

I believe I have resolved now. Solution was embarrassingly simple.

  1. Right click a PDF in file explorer and click "Open with..." to select a launcher.
    "Document Viewer" is default selection.
    Pick any other option (I picked Chrome) and click "Always use" at the bottom.
  2. PDF launches in Chrome.
  3. Close Chrome.
  4. Right click a PDF and switch the default back to Document Viewer.
  5. PDF launches.
  6. Close PDF.
  7. PDFs launched from Joplin now open in the default PDF viewer.

Yeah, changing the default application was described in that article I linked days back.

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