Joplin Android Synchronization recently dramatically improved, it finally happens automatically every 5 minutes like it is supposed to, no more constant babysitting required!
I believe this recent improvement (as of 3.2.7) deserves some praise. Many users, not just me, have been complaining for a while of having to babysit the sync on Mobile. It is, at least for me, a major quality of life improvement.
Well it's finally happening every 5 minutes like it was supposed to, no more user interaction needed.
Thanks for sharing your positive impressions. I was curious if I had this newest version, so just checked my Android phone: LG G7 running Android 10. I was surprised to see I'm running 3.0.8. I checked the app info in Settings; it says it was installed from the Play Store. And I see the Play Store has 3.2.7. Anyone know why my phone would be held back to this old version? Perhaps because my other Joplin clients are not capable of running the newer versions. My primary computer is still Windows 7, and the latest version that runs there is 2.12.5.
Don't know if newer versions of the desktop client need newer Windows or not, but you can try manually downloading it, as the auto update may not work on that older version.
For Android if you see 3.2.7 is a available, does it let you upgrade to it? Maybe you had auto update for the app disabled
Thanks for the suggestion. I have tried manually updating the Joplin version on my Windows 7 system; it does not work. After the installation completes, when I click the Finish button with the checkbox checked to run the application, I receive an error ""Joplin.lnk Unspecified error". If I go to the installation directory and try to run the app, I receive a popup "Joplin.exe is not a valid Win32 application." If I reinstall version 2.12.5, everything works fine.
Huh, for Android, my phone was not providing me the option to upgrade Joplin. So, I went to the Play Store, searched for the app, and told it to update from there. Seems to be working! Thanks.
Haha. I like the Windows 7 Aero interface. I really dislike the direction Microsoft has taken with Windows 10 and especially Windows 11. So, when Windows 7 becomes too painful to use (because of apps no longer working), I'll probably switch to Linux MATE.