Joplin always starts at X0 Y0 on one machine, but at saved location on another

Operating system


Joplin version


Desktop version info

Joplin 3.2.11 (prod, win32)

Client ID: eff1759ca7794ddfa05f56822b571b51
Sync Version: 3
Profile Version: 47
Keychain Supported: Yes

Revision: 2fba101

Freehand Drawing: 2.14.0
Templates: 2.4.0

Sync target

Joplin Cloud


Markdown Editor

What issue do you have?

Two machines that are as close to identical as I can make them.
On one machine, joplin always starts at X:0 Y:0 (upper left corner) - regardless of what is in windows-state-prod.json
On the other machine, it goes back to where it was at last orderly exit.

I am confused about why one machine ignores this setting file while another respects it.

dump of window-state-prod.json

type window-state-prod.json

1 Like

When I open joplin:/// links in browser they always open in top left corner even if before app was opened in different layout.