I feel like this is probably a stupid question, but I'm not finding an answer on my own. Is there no way, from the (desktop) interface to create a new note with one click, or am I overlooking something?
I know there's a keystroke combination. And I can find the option to create a new note in the menus. But you can create a new notebook by just clicking on the plus sign, and I don't see any corresponding option for a new note, which seems strange since, presumably, typical users will need to create new notes far more often than new notebooks.
In the screenshots I see online there's a toolbar on the UI, with buttons for a new notebook, new note, and new to-do, but I don't have that and I don't know if it's just a difference between versions or if there's a setting somewhere that I'm not finding.
I don't see any buttons near the search. Am I doing something wrong? (I tried widening that column, to see if maybe they were hidden, but the search field just expands to fill it.)
Ohhh. I'm not sure what happened with mine; it must have glitched. I exited the program and restarted and now it looks like yours. It was helpful knowing what I should have been seeing; thank you!