iOS Bug - Onedrive sync start- white screen

Bug on iPhone
Version of iOS app - 10.0.49
Database v30
iOS version 13.5.1

I installed the app. It hasn’t been synced yet.
If I want to sync using dropbox, then on tapping Synchronize it opens the authentication page normally.
if I change to Onedrive in the Configuration, then tap on synchronize, it just gives a totally white page. So I can’t set up sync using Onedrive.


Yes indeed there’s problem, it will be fixed in the next version.


Thanks to you and the entire Jopling development contributors. Will be waiting for it :slight_smile:
Great work

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Folk, I have this problem too!

I have the same problem. Waiting the new version.

Same here. Thanks for considering in the next version !!

This is a two year old thread, there have been a huge number of releases since then so this is massively out of date, if you are experiencing a problem with it then please create a new post with details.