Hi, my name is Duy Huynh, I'm 19 years old. I'm a student at VNUHCM (Ho Chi Minh University of Science) in Vietnam. I've built many fullstack projects in React.js, Node.js with Typescript/Javascript, here is my github.
Experience with Joplin
I have used many note-taking apps, and Joplin is the perfect fit for me: cross-platform sync, fast to open, free, markdown-supported. I didn't notice Joplin codebase until I see it on GSoC. It's the perfect chance for me to dive into open source softwares, I'll do my best.
Intentions with GSoC 2024
I'm interested in seemless desktop app auto update, I've built a demo and will discuss about it soon. I also have some project ideas I want to propose. Currently, I'll fix some issues to get my feet wet in Joplin codebase.