Introducing Sukriti-sood

Hey everyone, I am Sukriti Sood, an Open Source Enthusiast interested in Back-end Development and Technical Writing. The Joplin has been very helpful to me over the past two years, and I am enthusiastic about contributing to it.

My Github Handle: Sukriti-sood

I have read through the Idea list for GSOC and I am interested in working on the Refactoring Project Documentation Idea.

A quick question:- If I'm interested in working on a issue, can I simply create a PR? Or should I first ask to be assigned to it?

Thank You.


Just create a PR, we don't assign tickets.

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Thank you for clearing doubt.

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Hey @CalebJohn, If more than one person is working on an issue, this procedure will create conflict. How it's resolved in that case?

Please leave a comment on on the task you would like to work on and if someone else has already started, they will notify you.

In the past we had trouble with applicants claiming an issue, but not actually working towards it. This creates trouble for applicants who arrive later. Which is why we don't have a policy of claiming issues. In practice, this has not been a problem, but we will be open to changing the policy if we see many conflicts.

(FYI, if you and another applicant submit a resolution for an issue around the same time, we will consider that in your application. No reason to worry.)

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Thanks a lot✨

Hi there,
you are doing?
Are you getting along well as the serious phase is about to start?
Any help required on how to read Joplin's codebase and how to fix an issue easily?

good luck