Introducing Nancy4Hany

Greetings everyone :wave:,

I'm Nancy, a senior computer science student at Misr International University :woman_student:. I've engaged in over 8 internships, hackathons, and programs, honing my skills in
Python, Spring Boot, Laravel, ReactJS, NextJS, TailwindCSS, TypeScript, and JavaScript.

I'm particularly interested in three GSOC ideas:

  • Template insertion tool
  • AI-supported summary of notes and notebooks
  • AI-supported categorizing, tagging

My graduation project focused on template design and accessibility for individuals with learning disabilities, which aligns perfectly with these ideas. I'm excited to contribute my experience and skills to Joplin!

I'm also intending to generate my own ideas for Joplin!

Looking forward to working together,


Welcome Nancy. I don't know how you may contribute, but your ideas are exciting.

Thank you share this idea and inforamation.

Hi Nancy, welcome!

I'm particularly interested in the AI assistance tools you suggest (particularly as someone with ADHD, having tools to assist in tagging and organising my notes or summarising them sounds very interesting)