Introducing MuhammadShoukry

Hi there!, my name is Muhammad Shoukry, From Alexandria,Egypt, a Last-semester CS student at Helwan University, also Full stack JS developer for 1 year experience, very exited to join this Open-Source community and contribute with Joplin,
..actually i'm to late now for starting to understand the codeBase and to pull request..but wish me to complete it all before 17/5.
i'm interested in (8. Kanban plugin) feature..i think it related with my stack and tech i'm using (reactjs, nodejs) and i easy can contribute with this, finally i want to apologize for my proposal at GSoC's not's just too simple and i think it totally unacceptable, so hopefully don't take it for granted.. i know that the proposal is the final phase for selection..but i didn't submit with neither any Organization nor any feature in, and all my focus started now with this feature.. so wait from me the actual proposal, hopefully you accepting that..
thanks all,
my github acc: m16shoukry (Muhammad ShoUkry) · GitHub
my linkedin acc:

Hi Muhammad

The deadline to submit a proposal has already passed so unfortunately you can't join GSoC this year.

i feel sorry for i didnt submit before the deadline..
thank you :smile:

is there any idea or suggestion about what can i do instaed?

If you still would like to contribute there's nothing stopping you. Just be clear that it will not be connected to GSoC in any way.

Just check out the code, make sure you can build the project, then pick an issue (preferably one tagged with medium/high), and try fixing it.

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