Introducing Dmytro

Hi everyone!
I am a front-end developer. I have a hard situation in my country and I don't have a project and work now. And I think the time comes for GSoC :). After reviewing all lists of organizations
I realized that Joplin is responsive UI and I like the idea of ​​the project. I have experience in web development (js/ts/vue/react/redux...). Lately, I learning React Native. But I don't have MAC OS, and I wrote only for Android.
The first question: If I don't have MAC => I can't choose a react-native project. That right?
The main idea which I liked is "Implement a toolbar for the mobile beta code editor".

To be honest, almost all of your ideas for projects are interesting to me. But "Refactor the project documentation" is interesting more.

I am researching your applications and code now. And second question:
Do I need to fix a few bugs first?


Do you have any questions, maybe?


Good morning oldstub,

If you don't have a MAC this is normally no problem, I don't have one myself and program under windows.

take a look at

Yes a PR should be submitted for an existing issue to show your skills.


yep as said above

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Hi there,
you are doing?
Are you getting along well as the serious phase is about to start?
Any help required on how to read Joplin's codebase and how to fix an issue easily?

good luck