Internal links within Joplin

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If I have understood you correctly, it appears that the specific feature you're seeking might not be available. However, without knowing a lot about Joplin, I can suggest from my experience these :

  • "Copy Anchor Link Plugin:" You can explore the "Copy Anchor Link" plugin here, Plugin: Copy Anchor Link which enables you to create a link to any header in a note, rather than specific words or groups of words as you requested.
  • Note Link System Plugin: Another option to consider is the Note Link System plugin, which encompasses various features, including the one mentioned above.
  • Inline Tag Navigator Plugin: While I don't personally use tags in Joplin, theoretically, you can explore the Inline Tag Navigator plugin.
    Please note that this might only partially cover your needs and should be considered as a workaround, this plugin was created for different porpoise.
    I assume you have already explored the Joplin core feature that allows you to link notes. Markdown Guide | Joplin, but I know this is different than you want to use.