Importing from Evernote

Operating system


Joplin version


Desktop version info

Joplin 3.2.11 (prod, win32)

Client-ID: 9b711a24c30e4804b60637ab63f7fd9e
Sync-Version: 3
Profil-Version: 47
Unterstützter Schlüsselbund: Ja

Revision: 2fba101

Backup: 1.4.2
Freehand Drawing: 2.14.0
Resource Search Plugin: 0.1.2

Sync target



Markdown Editor

What issue do you have?

Hi, I want to import my evernote notes which are exported as enex files. Unfortunately I cant find the right import dialog in Joplin. The import dialog offers me 4 Enex choices: 1. with html, 2. with markdown and two others respectively with directory in its name. I used intuitively the first one which is working, yes. The notes are imported and I can also open up my attachements. But as soon as I sync to the nextcloud, all attachments are not synced at all. Therefore I am wondering whether I used the proper import. Furthermore the pdf plugin which searches all pdf attachments seems not to be working at all. So do I have to select option 2 (import with markdown) or is there another import option hidden anywhere? Furthermore what is now the best procedure to follow to clean up the Joplin database if I redo the import? Delete first all notes? I have only created 4 new notes in Joplin, so I would assume to backup those 4 maybe in a windows note first?

Hi. Yes importing from ENEX "as markdown" markdown is the generally recommended way to get your notes imported as well as possible into Joplin.

I'd say it's best to delete anything you imported, if it's not as you want it, and just try again using the markdown option. In this way you'll start from a clean slate. But yes of course first backup any notes you want to keep and you can import them later.

Let us know if this works!
