Hello! I am interested how big is the core team. What roles are there (marketers, UX/UI designers, developers, ...).
How many hours in a day the team spend on Joplin?
Are donations enough to pay salary to every member?
And many more questions. Would someone from the core team mind to have a call with me?
Any reason you need to know this? I'm asking because now and then someone comes here asking this kind of questions and they've never been around before, so I'm just curious about the reasons behind this.
Notes taking is related to managing our thoughts. Managing our thoughts is a part of learning. I'm interested in learning field and have been developing one project idea. One day, I found that startups don't have to be founded by investors. From time to time I was seeing that different people start doing something because they want and because they know that they woke up in a morning not for making money but for showing other people that this life is not about money only. I appreciate what you and your team is doing (assuming that you don't have hidden partnerships with a government or investors).
I'm sorry if my question is not in the right place, but after some hours of search I could not find the proper one, so I decided to ask my questions in this topic.
So my questions are similar but in a bit different context. I plan to migrate from Evernote to Joplin. I'm very happy with the software functionality and idea, however, I have some doubts. Maybe I'm wrong, but from GitHub very quick look, seems that there is only one developer (and it is you, Laurent). The one-person projects usually tend to die after some time. And if it will be the same with this great initiative, it will be very sad.
So how do you measure the growth and development potentiality of this project? How do You imagine the future of Joplin? Will it be a long-lasting project? Are there tendencies and vision to grow?
Just because the repo is under an individual account doesn't really say much about the project health/longevity.
And the fact that you are leaving Evernote (assuming as part of the recent migration) may indicate that projects owned by huge corporations aren't a safe bet either.
No matter what, welcome to Joplin! It's a really friendly community. You can also tell from the Plugin category on the forum that there are lots of people developing plugins. That's also kind of an indicator of involvement.