Years ago I started to use notes and for a long time, Evernote was the product of choice. After they have changed their pricing I had to switch to OneNote. In retrospect, this was a big mistake, as OneNote is very much a walled garden. It is quite difficult to get your stuff out of it. But I am ready to do this, if I find a sustainable replacement. At first I was thinking of setting up my private DokuWiki, when I found Joplin, which seems to need a lot less maintenance than running a Wiki server.
Three weeks ago, I started to migrate my notes (slowly) to Joplin. I use it with encryption syncing via OneDrive. Now I find that syncing does not work. As I only migrated about 30 notes, this is still a nuisance and not a catastrophe. But I have around a 1,000 notes in total and I am using several desktop computers and Android devices. I get a bit nervous, imagining to have migrated all notes and then finding I cannot trust synchronization to work.
Of course, I know this is an open source project and finanzed only by donations. And I know that people's priorities change over time, in addition to accidents and illness and other unpredictable stuff. To me it seems, Laurent is the driving force behind this project and I find it amazing, you far Joplin has come. I can see that there are a lot of contributors to Joplin, but the the second and third by volume, tessus and CalebJohn already fall far behind in number of contributions.
How do other users of Jopin see this? Do you trust the software with all your knowledge? What (if any) precautions do you take to keep your stuff safe and secure?