How do I set up a new 'share' between my PC and Android?

PC is windows 10. Joplin 2.6.10 (prod, win32)
Android 11 . Joplin 2.6.8


I have used Joplin for over a year. I have it running on my desktop. I have been synchronising my desktop app notebook with my android device using dropbox successfully. I have now changed my phone and loaded the Joplin app on my new phone. I cannot work out how to set up the desktop notebook sync with my new phone. Can you help? It's frustrating because I obviously got it to work with my previous phone - but cannot seem to repeat it. Thanks.

Welcome to the forum, peteinhawk!
I‘m only also an ordinary user, but perhaps I can give you a start:
On each device Joplin saves it‘s database locally, e.g. on your laptop and on your mobile. So what you did in the past is synchronising these local versions of your database with the dropbox version.

Now, with a new mobile device, nothing between laptop and dropbox needs to be changed.
You just can make your new phone synchronizing with the dropbox data.
But before doing that, it is always strongly recommended to backup your database, if not done already. For that, you can use Joplin‘s „simple backup“ plugin for the desktop version.

After that, you can connect your android with dropbox in Joplin on a path similar to this: configuration -> synchronization -> synchronisation target -> Dropbox…

Thanks for the prompt reply, nice to get help so quickly. I followed the first part and the backup tool was a bonus. However I didn't quite follow the second part. When you say:

connect your android with dropbox in Joplin on a path similar to this: configuration -> synchronization -> synchronisation target -> Dropbox…

Are you talking about a new notebook on the android? What I am trying to do is sync an existing PC notebook with my phone app. I tried the steps above in 'configuration' on the phone and after saving nothing happened? Is there something I need to add that connects the phone app to the file in Dropbox?

Thanks for your patience. As I say above the frustrating thing is I got it to work on my previous phone but now seem to have lost the steps to make it work.

Did you definitely save the config on the mobile app? The little floppy disk icon lights up when there are changes to be saved and some people have missed that before.

Thanks. I got it to work! The bit I missed was that after completing the bit:

connect your android with dropbox in Joplin on a path similar to this: configuration -> synchronization -> synchronisation target -> Dropbox…

You then need to go to the sidebar and start 'synchronisation'. That will take you into the connecting to dropbox bit and then enabling encryption.

As an aside I figure I originally got my concepts mixed up. I originally thought you had to set up the each notebook to sync, but once I'd enabled the connection between dropbox and the device it sync'd all the notebooks that were sync enabled. Lesson learnt.

Thanks for the help.

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