Hi community,
this is a spin-off from High level discussion on plug-in architecture & template library.
This is a collection topic on how different flavors of markdown could be allowed.
There has been many discussion about to add this or that mini feature, what would break with the rule to follow standard strictly to ensure cross-platform and cross-3rd-party-application compatibility.
An idea what came up was to allow different flavors as additional language pack, what can be easily activated / deactivated but Joplin core still follows markdown specification.
Inputs and opinions are welcome.
I start by listening topics of which I can still remember wherein suggestions towards this direction were made:
- Annotations, highlights, QDA - discussion
- Add markdownlink from the toolbar
- Encountered unexpected behavior of Heading Markdown tag
- Feature Request : Text Color and Highlighting support
- Feature request: Direct addressing of classes etc. by Markdown
- Foldable sections and hidden elements not working any more
- DESKTOP:Adding functionality to the toolbar