GSoC Proposal Drafts

Warm greetings to the energetic Joplin Community.

Now that Joplin has officially been announced as an Organization for GSoC. I have been working on my proposal for quite some time and I have been waiting for this moment where I can begin to share drafts to my potential mentors for review. Please how can students get their proposal drafts reviewed from mentors?

Thanks @Runo-saduwa, it’s true we haven’t specified how to submit proposals. @PackElend, what do you think? Maybe via email? Or post it on the forum directly?

I would only say that the proposal has to be nearly final before submitting it to avoid too many back and forth. In other words, it shouldn’t have any parts missing, and should show your complete plan. Then of course, you can modify it afterwards based on our feedback but from the start it should be a complete document.

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it might not that trivial to solve but I would prefer to keep all at one place, meaning in this forum.
As the proposal is a private thing between the applicant and the organisation, I suggest that we create a group GSoC-Mentors and the applicant PMs the group. The applicant can but not have to draft its proposal as PM (using markdown). It is allowed to switch to etc. by sharing the link.

how does that sound?

that would may solve this too. The draft can be started once by telling the group and updates come by reply (as soon as there is structure recognizable)

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