Fountain - some forced syntax actions are not recognised

Operating system


Joplin version


What issue do you have?

When using Fountain syntax for screenplays in Joplin, three of the modifier characters do not have the effect as described in the official Fountain syntax guide. They are used to force a line to take on the properties of a particular element even if they wouldn't normally be interpreted as such by the Fountain rules.

@ should force a Character element
! should force an Action element
~ should force a Lyric element

Currently all three just display as they are written but they should not be visible when viewed as a screenplay and should force the line of text they precede to take on the element qualities mentioned. Other element modifiers such as Transitions or Centered Text are currently working as expected.

N.B. How a Lyric element displays differs across platforms but the most common screenplay convention for lyrics seems to be centered, like all other dialogue, whilst also being italicised.

Any help with implementing these Fountain modifiers within Joplin would be much appreciated. All the best


Do you have an example of how it's supposed to look?

Here's an example attached showing Lyrics elements in a screenplay.

For Action, it would look the same as the image I attached before but minus the exclamation mark. The problem there is if you remove it in the Fountain markdown text then it will think it's a character name followed by dialogue (because it's uppercase) so it centers it when it shouldn't.

Similarly, for the forced Character element the character name should be centered, the @ symbol should disappear and the following line should be aligned as dialogue underneath it.

Thanks for looking into this.

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For reference, I'm linking to the library Joplin uses for Fountain rendering.

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